sqlite-net-extensions -- Create Table Async

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My problem is that I'm using the CreateTableAsync method and is always returning "0". I researched and saw that this return is a mistake.

I wanted to know what I'm doing wrong.

Class Service Table:

public class SqliteTable
    private readonly SqliteWrapper _sqliteWrapper;

    public SqliteTable()
        _sqliteWrapper = new SqliteWrapper();

    private async Task<bool> CheckIfExistTable<T>() where T : new()
        var connection = _sqliteWrapper.OpenDatabase();
            var result = await connection.Table<T>().CountAsync();
            return result.Equals(0);
        catch (Exception e)
            Logs.Logs.Error($"Error get count table {typeof(T).Name}: {e.Message}");
            return false;

    public async void CreateTable<T>() where T : new()
        var connection = _sqliteWrapper.OpenDatabase();

        if (await CheckIfExistTable<T>())
            Logs.Logs.Info($"This table {typeof(T).Name} was created");

        var createTableResult = await connection.CreateTableAsync<T>();
        var value = createTableResult.Results.Values.FirstOrDefault();

        if (value.Equals(1))
            Logs.Logs.Info($"Create table {typeof(T).Name}");
            throw new Exception($"Error create table {typeof(T).Name}");

I create a Class Model Login. which would be the object to create the database.

public class Login
    public Login()

    public Login(string user, string password)
        User = user;
        Password = password;

    public Login(int id, string user, string password)
        Id = id;
        User = user;
        Password = password;

    [PrimaryKey, AutoIncrement, Column("login_id")]
    public int Id { get; set; }

    [Unique, NotNull, Column("login_user")]
    public string User { get; set; }

    [NotNull, Column("login_password")] public string Password { get; set; }

I create Class CreateTableAsync. Which would be to intanciar the SqliteTable, to call the method CreateTable sending the object to create the database:

protected override void OnStart()
            var sqliteTable = new SqliteTable();
        catch (Exception e)
            Logs.Logs.Error($"Error init application: {e.Message}");

Can someone help me?


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