Specifying a WCF binding when using ServiceRoute

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I am currently registering a WCF service using the following code:

var factory = new DefaultServiceHostFactory();
RouteTable.Routes.Add(new ServiceRoute("XXXEndPoint", factory, IXXXEndPoint)));

This is all well and good however I also need to change the MaxStringContentLength property of the reader quota settings. It appears that the default value of 8192 is used, regardless of my attempts to change this and I guess this is from the DefaultServiceModel?

Are there any suitable hooks to override this setting on the DefaultServiceModel, or should I be deriving my own service host/model classes, or am I going about this the wrong way?

Any suggestions appreciated.

EDIT: Please note that the configuration of the binding must be performed programatically (not via configuration files).



There are 1 answers

Vadim Alekseevski On BEST ANSWER

You can make it by extending host factory. By little modification of code bellow you can pass an additional parameter to WCFServiceHostFactory to set it from Global.asax I have used the classes bellow to always set it to Int32.MaxValue

//in Global.asax

routes.Add(new ServiceRoute(routePrefix,
            new WCFServiceHostFactory(),


namespace MyServices.MyService
    public class WCFServiceHostFactory:WebServiceHostFactory
        protected override ServiceHost CreateServiceHost(Type serviceType, Uri[] baseAddresses)
            WCFServiceHost host = new WCFServiceHost(serviceType, baseAddresses);

            return host;


namespace MyServices.MyService
    public class WCFServiceHost:WebServiceHost
        public WCFServiceHost(): base ()

        public WCFServiceHost (object singletonInstance, params Uri [] baseAddresses)
          : base (singletonInstance, baseAddresses)

        public WCFServiceHost(Type serviceType, params Uri[] baseAddresses)
          : base (serviceType, baseAddresses)

        protected override void OnOpening ()
          base.OnOpening ();

          foreach (Uri baseAddress in BaseAddresses) {
            bool found = false;
            foreach (ServiceEndpoint se in Description.Endpoints)
                if (se.Address.Uri == baseAddress)
                    found = true;
                    ((WebHttpBinding)se.Binding).ReaderQuotas.MaxStringContentLength = Int32.MaxValue;//here you set it and also set it below
            if (!found) {
              if (ImplementedContracts.Count > 1)
                throw new InvalidOperationException ("Service '"+ Description.ServiceType.Name + "' implements multiple ServiceContract types, and no endpoints are defined in the configuration file. WebServiceHost can set up default endpoints, but only if the service implements only a single ServiceContract. Either change the service to only implement a single ServiceContract, or else define endpoints for the service explicitly in the configuration file. When more than one contract is implemented, must add base address endpoint manually");
              var  enumerator = ImplementedContracts.Values.GetEnumerator ();
              enumerator.MoveNext ();
              Type contractType = enumerator.Current.ContractType;
              WebHttpBinding binding = new WebHttpBinding();
              binding.ReaderQuotas.MaxStringContentLength = Int32.MaxValue; //here also
          AddServiceEndpoint (contractType, binding, baseAddress);


          foreach (ServiceEndpoint se in Description.Endpoints)
            if (se.Behaviors.Find<WebHttpBehavior> () == null)
              se.Behaviors.Add (new WebHttpBehavior ());

          // disable help page.
          ServiceDebugBehavior serviceDebugBehavior = Description.Behaviors.Find<ServiceDebugBehavior> ();
          if (serviceDebugBehavior != null) {
            serviceDebugBehavior.HttpHelpPageEnabled = false;
            serviceDebugBehavior.HttpsHelpPageEnabled = false;