I use Java 8 and I created a simple RMI application but I have a client-side exception that I don't understand. Using Eclipse the structure of my application is:
here's the code:
package client;
import java.rmi.*; // necessaria per estendere interfaccia Remote
public interface InterfacciaMyClassServer extends Remote {
int somma(int a, int b) throws RemoteException; //unico metodo
package server;
import java.rmi.*;
import java.rmi.server.*; // per utilizzare UnicastRemoteObject
public class ImplementazioneMyClassServer extends UnicastRemoteObject implements InterfacciaMyClassServer{
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
public ImplementazioneMyClassServer() throws RemoteException { // costruttore
public int somma(int a, int b) throws RemoteException{ // implementazione metodo somma definito dall'interfaccia
return a+b;
package server;
import java.rmi.*;
public class MainServer {
public static void main(String[] args) {
ImplementazioneMyClassServer s1 = new ImplementazioneMyClassServer();
Naming.rebind("oggetto1", s1);
catch(Exception e){
package client;
import java.net.MalformedURLException;
import java.rmi.*;
public class MainClient {
public static void main(String[] args) throws MalformedURLException, RemoteException, NotBoundException {
String nomeServer="localhost"; // nome del server o suo indirizzo IP (per l'esempio localhost=
String nomeOggettoRemoto="oggetto1"; // nome dell'oggetto remoto da richiedere al server
String protocollo="rmi"; //protocollo usato, può essere: rmi,ftp,http
String URLoggettoRemoto=protocollo+"://"+nomeServer+"/"+nomeOggettoRemoto; // URL completo usato dal client per ottenere riferimento oggetto remoto sul server
// cerca all'URL specificato all'interno del registro rmi l'oggetto remoto con nome "oggetto1"
// e restituisce nella var oggetto il suo riferimento per cui nelle istruzioni successive
// è possibile riferirsi all'oggetto remoto come se fosse sul client.
InterfacciaMyClassServer oggetto = (InterfacciaMyClassServer) Naming.lookup(URLoggettoRemoto);
// uso oggetto remoto
System.out.println(oggetto.somma(2, 3));
I do not want to download dynamically stub class. That is why I got the class stub and skel and then I copied the stub class in bin\client. To get the stub and skel classes I followed the following procedure:
1) set classpath=C:\JavaWorkspace\RMI_project\src
2) cd C:\JavaWorkspace\RMI_project\src
3) C:\JavaWorkspace\RMI_project\src>javac server/InterfacciaMyClassServer.java
4) C:\JavaWorkspace\RMI_project\src>javac server/ImplementazioneMyClassServer.java
5) C:\JavaWorkspace\RMI_project\src>rmic -v1.1 server.ImplementazioneMyClassServer
To run the entire application I followed the procedure:
by prompt1:
1) set classpath=C:/JavaWorkspace/RMI_project/bin
2) start rmiregistry
3) java server.MainServer
and I got properly:
by prompt2:
1) set classpath=C:/JavaWorkspace/RMI_project/bin
2) java client.MainClient
Where I got the exception:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ClassCastException: server.ImplementazioneMyClassServer_Stub cannot be cast to client.InterfacciaMyClassServer
at client.MainClient.main(MainClient.java:18)
The exception is the line 18 in MainClient but I do not understand what is wrong.
You have the remote interface declared in two packages. The server side uses the server package's remote interface; the client side uses the client package's remote interfaces. These two remote interfaces are different. You can't cast an implementation of one to the other.
You can't do this. You need to use the same remote interface, in the same package, at both ends.