I have to copy an entire project folder inside the MarkLogic server and instead of doing it manually I decided to do it with a recursive function, but is becoming the worst idea I have ever had. I'm having problems with the transactions and with the syntax but being new I don't find a true way to solve it. Here's my code, thank you for the help!
import module namespace dls = "http://marklogic.com/xdmp/dls" at "/MarkLogic/dls.xqy";
declare option xdmp:set-transaction-mode "update";
declare function local:recursive-copy($filesystem as xs:string, $uri as xs:string)
for $e in xdmp:filesystem-directory($filesystem)/dir:entry
if($e/dir:type/text() = "file")
then dls:document-insert-and-manage($e/dir:filename, fn:false(), $e/dir:pathname)
xdmp:directory-create(concat(concat($uri, data($e/dir:filename)), "/")),
local:recursive-copy($e/dir:pathname, $uri)
let $filesystemfolder := 'C:\Users\WB523152\Downloads\expath-ml-console-0.4.0\src'
let $uri := "/expath_console/"
return local:recursive-copy($filesystemfolder, $uri)
MLCP would have been nice to use. However, here is my version:
Please note the following: