I'm a beginner to R programming (I just finished the Coursera course) and I'm having trouble creating this nested loop.
I have a csv structured like this (there are actually 108 columns):
Type Status Campaign Name Group Budget Budget Type Bids
Campaign Active Burritos 500 Daily
Campaign Active Tacos 400 Daily
Group Active Burritos Bean Burritos 0.5
Group Active Burritos Beef Burritos 0.5
Group Paused Burritos Chicken Burritos 0.5
Group Active Tacos Beef Tacos 0.5
Group Active Tacos Chicken Tacos 0.5
Group Paused Tacos Fish Tacos 0.5
I would like to reorder the table by campaign name then group removing paused:
Type Status Campaign Name Group Budget Budget Type Bids
Campaign Active Burritos 500 Daily
Group Active Burritos Bean Burritos 0.5
Group Active Burritos Beef Burritos 0.5
Campaign Active Tacos 400 Daily
Group Active Tacos Beef Tacos 0.5
Group Active Tacos Chicken Tacos 0.5
I was going to use a series of For loops but I keep running into errors. I'm pretty sure that the rbind has errors. Also, when I create the temp.ds and temp.group.ds, I think there is am error. Probably an error in the loop, too.
Below is my code:
ds <- do.call(rbind, lapply(list.files(path=directory, full.names=TRUE), read.table, header=TRUE, sep="\t", fileEncoding="UTF-16LE", fill = TRUE, quote = ""))
valid.campaign <- ds[ which(ds$Status == "Active" & ds$Type == "Campaign"), ]
new.ds <- NULL
for(campaign in valid.campaign$Type) {
temp.ds <- valid.campaign[,campaign]
valid.group <- ds[ which(ds$Status == "Active" & ds$Type == "Group"), ]
for (group in valid.group$Type) {
temp.group.ds <- valid.group[,group]
temp.ds <-rbind(temp.ds, temp.group.ds)
if (exists("new.ds")) new.ds <- rbind(new.ds,temp.ds)
else new.ds <- temp.ds
The dplyr and magrittr packages in R are excellent at handling these sorts of questions. Specifically, the arrange function in dplyr allows you to arrange the rows, and the filter function in dplyr allows you to delete rows: