jQuery event.keyCode for Enter (13) is skipped if there are required fields in the HTML

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I am using the required="yes" attribute in a few fields within my form. I have a search box within the form to auto-populate a drop-down list if the item they are looking for is not already on there. In my jQuery, I watch the keyup event for the field. $("input#search-input-text").keyup(function(event){}. I use event.preventDefault(); right away before I do anything else.

One of the things I watch for is the Enter button. When pressed, I check to see if one of the search results are currently selected. If it is, I insert the result into the dropdown list on the page. But if it is not, I let the form be submitted.

The issue is that when I have required form fields using the attribute, it ignores my jQuery and cancels the action before my jQuery can run and tells me the field is required. I use this code just fine on forms that do not have required fields using the attribute. How do I catch the Enter key press before the built-in browser functionality stops me due to the required fields?

Please note that I cannot use keydown instead. Plus, even if I do I still get the warning about the required field even when I return false (though that's obvious). I want to catch the keyup before the browser does and stop it completely under certain circumstances.

Some of my code. Specifically, case 13 of the switch statement. The form should only submit if the outer if statement is false.


    var _search_action = $("input#search-action").val();
    var _search_term = $("input#search-input-text").val();
    var dosearch = true;

    switch (event.keyCode) {
        case 13:
            dosearch = false;
            if ($("#drop-search-search-results").find("li.selected").text()){
                if ($('#search-drop-down').val()) {
                    $('#' + $('#search-drop-down').val()).append('<option value="' + $("#drop-search-search-results").find("li.selected").attr('id') + '">' + $("#drop-search-search-results").find("li.selected").text() + '</option>');
                    $('#' + $('#search-drop-down').val()).val($("#drop-search-search-results").find("li.selected").attr('id'));


                return false;
                return true;
        case 37:
            dosearch = false;
        case 38:
            dosearch = false;
        case 39:
            dosearch = false;
        case 40:
            dosearch = false;

Thanks, James


There are 2 answers


Well, I ended up searching more and found that to get the browser to not validate the form, I had to add the attribute novalidate to the form tag. So what I did was add the attribute when I started the search sequence, then removed it once done. This solved my issue.

Just for clarity, I used $('form.form-class').attr('novalidate', true); and $('form.form-class').removeAttr('novalidate'); as needed.

Julien Grégoire On

You can use invalid event and preventDefault there. Keyup will still work. See snippet example:

$('input').on('invalid', function(e){

$('input').on('keypress', function(e){
    if(e.keyCode == '13'){
    e.target.value = "input";
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<form id="test" action="">
    Required input: <input type="text" name="usrname" required/>
    <input type="submit" />