getting error as "Failed to find user name [WORKGROUP\SYSTEM]" during informatica installation

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Getting above error in the logs, while installing informatica server 10.4, this is happening while i am in the create domain menu

informatica domain creation

then i get this error error

when i check the logs, I am seeing this error.

OutPut : [ICMD_10033] Command [generateEncryptionKey] failed with error [[INFASETUP_10000] [FrameworkUtils_0006] The encryption key file cannot be generated. [[FrameworkUtils_0022] Failed to find user name [WORKGROUP\SYSTEM] during Informatica service startup, and so cannot grant read and write permissions on the node configuration directory to the user. Verify that the user that started the Informatica service is valid. If you are a Local System User, you can ignore this message as you inherit the read-write permissions.]..].

I am not getting where this [WORKGROUP\SYSTEM] user name is coming up


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