I try to send some data to my node.js / node-static app and store it in a file.
Right now i use a basic html form and capture the pathfile:
Server side:
var daten = url_parts.query;
if (pathfile== '/get.htm'){ // get.htm just redirects back to form
console.log('Device 1:', daten);
fs.writeFile("devices.txt", devices(daten), function(err) {
if(err) {console.log(err);} else {console.log("The file was saved!");}
I feel dirty using this but i am a bit overwhelmed by the possibilities to perform such a simple task.
Using jQuery seems the way to go.
My problem: How can I send the data without a page refresh or redirecting to another page? What is the elegant way? Where do I perform the 'magic'? Client or Server side?
I ended up restructuring server and client side. Maybe someone finds this useful or can improve this suggestion: