Edit arrays using angular-xeditable

3.9k views Asked by At

I pull some objects from my api using ngResource an then I show them in a table. Thats ok.. the problem become when I try to make 'tags' attribute editable using angular-xeditable but are treated as string and there isn't something like "ngList" on angular-xeditable. The only solution I can think of is serialize that "tags" attribute to "tagsString" on my service and unserialize it once $save() was called.. there is a more elegant solution?


    "id": "yP8",
    "uploadDate": "2012-10-03T12:52:59-0300",
    "statusChangeDate": "2012-10-03T12:52:59-0300",
    "status": 0,
    "type": 1,
    "mimeType": "JPEG",
    "title": "title-36868",
    "tags": [
    "language": "en",
    "interactions": {
        "likes": 12371,
        "dislikes": 15,
        "comments": 81
    "published": true


app.controller( 'ContentsCtrl', function CommentsCtrl( $scope, Contents ) {
    $scope.contents = Contents.query();


<tr ng:repeat="content in contents.content">
    <td ng:click="content.images.showFull=!content.images.showFull">
        <img src="{{content.images.thumbnail.url}}" ng:show="!content.images.showFull">
        <img src="{{content.images.medium.url}}" ng:show="content.images.showFull">
        <span editable-text="content.title" e-required>{{content.title}}</span>
        <span editable-text="content.tags">{{content.tags}}</span>


Demo (by Sebastian Gärtner): http://plnkr.co/edit/ttPNgHXUZKmaJZ9IuB2N?p=preview


There are 3 answers

Sebastian Gärtner On

What about solving it with another directive. Not with xeditable.

Like: http://decipherinc.github.io/angular-tags/

You do want to have the tags editable? What input mechanism do you want to have?

What about another ng-repeat for the tags to make them each an single input field and maybe an mechanism for add and delete tags.

ahc On

You can do something like the following:

<div ng-repeat="tag in content.tags track by $index">
    <span editable-text="content.tags[$index]">{{tag}}</span> 

The trick is to wire up the correct model-value with the editable-text directive (using the $index iterator in this case).

Andrew Rueckert On

The Editable Table example on the angular x-editable page has something that almost accomplishes this. By wrapping each string in you list in an object, you can apply arbitrary properties to it - in this case, temporary values which you can key save/delete functionality off of in onCancel and onBeforeSave handlers.


    tags: [
        {name: 'some-tag'},
        {name: 'fancy-tag'}


<form editable-form name="tagForm" onBeforeSave="cleanBeforeSave()" onCancel="cleanOnCancel()">
        <li ng-repeat="tag in contents.tags | filter:filterDeleted">
            <span editable-text="tag.name" e-name="name"> {{tag.name}} </span> 
            <button ng-click="deleteTag($index)" ng-show="tagForm.$visible">x</button>
    <span ng-show="tagForm.$visible">
        <button type="button" ng-click="addTag()">New</button>
        <button type="submit">Save</button>
        <button type="button" ng-click="tagForm.$cancel()">Cancel</button>

    <span ng-hide="tagForm.$visible">
        <button type="button" ng-click="tagForm.$show()">Edit</button>    


app.controller( 'TagCtrl', function TagCtrl( $scope, Contents ) {
    $scope.contents = Contents.query();

    $scope.filterDeleted = function(obj) {
        return obj.isDeleted !== true;

    $scope.addTag = function() {
        $scope.contents.tags.push({name:"", isNew:true});

    $scope.removeTag = function(index) {
        $scope.contents.tags[index].isDeleted = true;

    $scope.cleanBeforeSave = function() {
        // go backwards, so deleting doesn't mess up i's count
        for (var i = $scope.contents.tags.length; i--;) {
            var tag = $scope.contents.tags[i];
            if (tag.isDeleted) {
                $scope.contents.tags.splice(i, 1);
            if (tag.isNew) {
                delete tag.isNew;

    $scope.cleanOnCancel = function() {
        // go backwards, so deleting doesn't mess up i's count
        for (var i = $scope.contents.tags.length; i--;) {
            var tag = $scope.contents.tags[i];
            if (tag.isDeleted) {
                delete tag.isDeleted;
            if (tag.isNew) {