Detect if source is CSS/HTML/JavaScript

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I want to use js beautify on some source but there isn't a way to detect what type of source it is. Is there any way, crude or not, to detect if the source is css, html, javascript or none?

Looking at their site they have this that looks like it'll figure out if it's html:

function looks_like_html(source) {
    // <foo> - looks like html
    // <!--\nalert('foo!');\n--> - doesn't look like html
    var trimmed = source.replace(/^[ \t\n\r]+/, '');
    var comment_mark = '<' + '!-' + '-';
    return (trimmed && (trimmed.substring(0, 1) === '<' && trimmed.substring(0, 4) !== comment_mark));

just need to see if it's css, javascript or neither. This is running in node.js

So this code would need to tell me it's JavaScript:

var foo = {
    bar : 'baz'

where as this code needs to tell me it's CSS:

.foo {
    background : red;

So a function to test this would return the type:

function getSourceType(source) {
    if (isJs) {
        return 'js';
    if (isHtml) {
        return 'html';
    if (isCss) {
        return 'css';

There will be cases where other languages are used like Java where I need to ignore but for css/html/js I can use the beautifier on.


There are 2 answers

FisherDisinformation On

It depends if you are allowed to mix languages, as mentioned in the comments (i.e. having embedded JS and CSS in your HTML), or if those are separate files that you need to detect for some reason.

A rigorous approach would be to build a tree from the file, where each node would be a statement (in Perl, you can use HTML::TreeBuilder). Then you could parse it and compare with the original source. Then proceed by applying eliminating regexes to weed out chunks of code and split languages.

Another way would be to search for language-specific patterns (I was thinking that CSS only uses " *= " in some situations, therefore if you have " = " by itself, must be JavaScript, embedded or not). For HTML you for sure can detect the tags with some regex like

    if($source =~ m/(<.+>)/){}

Basically then you would need to take into account some fancy cases like if the JavaScript is used to display some HTML code

    var code = "<body>";

Then again it really depends on the situation you are facing, and how the codes mix.

hogan On

Short answer: Almost impossible.

- Thanks to Katana's input

The reason: A valid HTML can contain JS and CSS (and it usually does). JS can contain both css and html (i.e.: var myContent = '< div >< style >CSS-Rules< script >JS Commands';). And even CSS can contain both in comments.

So writing a parser for this close to impossible. You just cannot separate them easily.

The languages have rules upon how to write them, what you want to do is reverse architect something and check whether those rules apply. That's probably not worth the effort.

Approach 1

If the requirement is worth the effort, you could try to run different parsers on the source and see if they throw errors. I.e. Java is likely to not be a valid HTML/JS/CSS but a valid Java-Code (if written properly).

Approach 2 - Thanks to Bram's input

However if you know the source very well and have the assumption that these things don't occur in your code, you could try the following with Regular Expressions.


<code><div>This div is HTML var i=32;</div></code> 
<code>#thisiscss { margin: 0; padding: 0; }</code>
<code>.thisismorecss { border: 1px solid; background-color: #0044FF;}</code>
<code>function jsfunc(){ { var i = 1; i+=1;<br>}</code>


$("code").each(function() {
    code = $(this).text();
   if (code.match(/<(br|basefont|hr|input|source|frame|param|area|meta|!--|col|link|option|base|img|wbr|!DOCTYPE).*?>|<(a|abbr|acronym|address|applet|article|aside|audio|b|bdi|bdo|big|blockquote|body|button|canvas|caption|center|cite|code|colgroup|command|datalist|dd|del|details|dfn|dialog|dir|div|dl|dt|em|embed|fieldset|figcaption|figure|font|footer|form|frameset|head|header|hgroup|h1|h2|h3|h4|h5|h6|html|i|iframe|ins|kbd|keygen|label|legend|li|map|mark|menu|meter|nav|noframes|noscript|object|ol|optgroup|output|p|pre|progress|q|rp|rt|ruby|s|samp|script|section|select|small|span|strike|strong|style|sub|summary|sup|table|tbody|td|textarea|tfoot|th|thead|time|title|tr|track|tt|u|ul|var|video).*?<\/\2/)) {
      $(this).after("<span>This is HTML</span>");
   else if (code.match(/(([ trn]*)([a-zA-Z-]*)([.#]{1,1})([a-zA-Z-]*)([ trn]*)+)([{]{1,1})((([ trn]*)([a-zA-Z-]*)([:]{1,1})((([ trn]*)([a-zA-Z-0-9#]*))+)[;]{1})*)([ trn]*)([}]{1,1})([ trn]*)/)) {
      $(this).after("<span>This is CSS</span>");
   else {
      $(this).after("<span>This is JS</span>");

What does it do: Parse the text.


If it contains characters like '<' followed by br (or any of the other tags above) and then '>' then it's html. (Include a check as well since you could compare numbers in js as well).


If it is made out of the pattern name(optional) followed by . or # followed by id or class followed by { you should get it from here... In the pattern above I also included possible spaces and tabs.


Else it is JS.

You could also do Regex like: If it contains '= {' or 'function...' or ' then JS. Also check further for Regular Expressions to check more clearly and/or provide white- and blacklists (like 'var' but no < or > around it, 'function(asdsd,asdsad){assads}' ..)

Bram's Start with what I continued was:

$("code").each(function() {
   code = $(this).text();
   if (code.match(/^<[^>]+>/)) {
       $(this).after("<span>This is HTML</span>");
   else if (code.match(/^(#|\.)?[^{]+{/)) {
     $(this).after("<span>This is CSS</span>");

For more Information: is a good reference. Also check for inspiration.