Given vector size n and window size k, how can I efficiently calculate the sliding window minimum in n log k time? ie, for vector [1 4 3 2 5 4 2] and window size 2, the output would be [1 3 2 2 4 2].
Obviously I can do it using partition and map but that that's n * k time.
I think I need to keep track of the minimum in a sorted map, and update the map when it's outside the window. But although I can get the min of a sorted map in log time, searching through the map to find any indexes that are expired is not log time.
You can solve this is with a priority queue based on Clojure's priority map data structure. We index the values in the window with their position in the vector.
A possible implementation is
For example,
The solution is developed lazily, so can be applied to an endless sequence.
After the initialisation, which is O(k), the function computes each element in the sequence in O(log k) time, as noted here.