Accessing a list of preferenceFragment views

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I am attempting to assert that the correct Preferences are being initialized when my Settings app's onCreate() method is called. I am trying to do this using the robolectric API.

Say I can reference an ActivityController - called activityCont and I also have a reference to the activity itself - called myActivity, obtained using activityCont.get()). I also have a reference to a FragmentManager called fragMgr. So my setup is:

public void setup() {
activityCont = Robolectric.buildActivity(mySettings.class);
myActivity = activityCont.get();
FragMgr = myActivity.getFragmentManager();

First I want to assert that certain fragments are being built. So for that I use:

public void canBuildParticularFragment() {
Assert.assertNotNull(FragMgr.findFragmentByTag((new myFragmentClass()).getTag()))

However, this test always fails, even though I can attest to the fact that myFragmentClass IS being built. Am I simply setting the activity to be in the wrong lifecycle stage? At which stage are fragments created so they can be accessible?

My other suspicion is that getTag() simply gets a tag specific to that instance of the class, which would mean the tag I "get()" in the above code would not return any fragments since it's different. If this is true, how would I get the correct fragment, since I don't know its tag, and I'd prefer not giving it an id in the xml file that contains it?

Lastly, I want to be able to, once I have a reference to the fragment, to get() a list of the preferences being displayed so I can assert they are correct based on some other configurations. So, how can I get the correct instance of the myFragmentClass preferenceFragment, and how can I get a list of its preferences?


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