I am getting following Voiceglue error while executing in /var/log/dynlog/dynlog
15:35:54:525 EROR OPEN_VXI luke---- callid=[58] |1098905920|58|SEVERE|swi:SBinet|257|SBinet: Expecting '=' after cookie attribute's name|attributeSpec=HttpOnly|attribute=HttpOnly\n
I don't have the answer, but I have located the code that produces the issue. Maybe we can work together to find out why this happens. I am a Developer but don't yet have an understanding of how this SB* and friends browser works.
Located in openvxi-3.4+vglue/src/inet/SBinetCookie.cpp
If you want to stop the infinite looping caused by unhandled errors. The proper way is to add the tag to the unhandled event thrown by java errors that get thrown infinitely. This is in the defaults but not in the example from ampersand.com