I'm trying to create a ripple alu from one bit alu,
every thing is working fine except for the slt operation
it's implemented like so, for the one bit alu there is input 'less'
it's set to zero except for the LSB, it's got its vlaue from MSB of the subtractoin
one_bit_alu alu0 (.op(op), .a(a[0]), .b(b[0]), .cin(1'b0 ), .less(set), .r(z[0]), .cout(carry[0]));
one_bit_alu alu1 (.op(op), .a(a[1]), .b(b[1]), .cin(carry[0]), .less(1'b0), .r(z[1]), .cout(carry[1]));
one_bit_alu alu2 (.op(op), .a(a[2]), .b(b[2]), .cin(carry[1]), .less(1'b0), .r(z[2]), .cout(carry[2]));
one_bit_alu alu3 (.op(op), .a(a[3]), .b(b[3]), .cin(carry[2]), .less(1'b0), .r(z[3]), .cout(carry[3]));
one_bit_alu alu4 (.op(op), .a(a[4]), .b(b[4]), .cin(carry[3]), .less(1'b0), .r(z[4]), .cout(carry[4]));
one_bit_alu alu5 (.op(op), .a(a[5]), .b(b[5]), .cin(carry[4]), .less(1'b0), .r(z[5]), .cout(carry[5]));
one_bit_alu alu6 (.op(op), .a(a[6]), .b(b[6]), .cin(carry[5]), .less(1'b0), .r(z[6]), .cout(carry[6]));
one_bit_alu alu7 (.op(op), .a(a[7]), .b(b[7]), .cin(carry[6]), .less(1'b0), .r(z[7]), .set(set));
here is the logic of the 'set' signal in the one_bit_alu module
full_subtractor subtract(.d(subOP), .a(b), .b(a), .Bor_in(cin), .Bor_out(subOP_bout));
and (set, subOP, 1'b1);
it seems that every thing is fine but i got 'x' instead !
one_bit_alu module
`include "../lib/mux_16to1.v"
`include "../lib/full_adder.v"
`include "../lib/full_subtractor.v"
module one_bit_alu (
input [3:0] op,
input a, b, cin, less, sub,
output r, cout, bout, set
wire int0, int1, int2, int3, addOP, subOP, addOP_cout, subOP_bout;
and (int0 , a, b);
or (int1 , a, b);
xor (int2 , a, b);
nor (int3, a, b);
xor (xorB, b, sub);
full_adder add (.sum(addOP), .a(a), .b(b), .cin(cin), .cout(addOP_cout));
full_subtractor subtract(.d (subOP), .a(b), .b(a), .Bor_in(cin), .Bor_out(subOP_bout));
and (set, subOP, 1'b1);
mux_16to1 mux0(
.s (op ),
.i0 (int0 ),
.i1 (int1 ),
.i2 (addOP),
.i6 (subOP),
.i7 (less ),
.i12(int3 ),
.z (r )
mux_16to1 mux1(
full_subtractor module
module full_subtractor (
output Bor_out, d,
input a, b, Bor_in
wire int1, int2, int3, int4, b_bar;
// d = (a xor b) xor Bor_in
xor (int1, a, b);
xor (d, int1, Bor_in);
// Bor_out = ((a xor b)' and Bor_in) or (a and b')
not (int2, int1);
and (int3, int2, Bor_in); //(a xor b)' and Bor_in
not (b_bar, b);
and (int4, b_bar, a); //a and b'
or (Bor_out, int4, int3);
Found it!
the stl operation depends on the subtraction operation, and in my design I made a mux for the cout to take it either from the adder or the subtractor, depending on the 'op', so I should output it for the stl operation as will, the mux1 will be like so