I've had a problem for a long time with smooth camera on mobile phone (platformer game), but I reported that my game works well when my fps don't drop below 60. I notice that my fps are fine when i touch a screen, but when i don't do it, fps drop to approximately 58, 59 and after that my camera don't follow my player smoothly. For testing i create new scene with only FPSCounter script and the effects are the same. Could someone help me with it? I think that it is engine settings reasons, but i can't handle with it.emphasized text
private float deltaTime = 0.0f;
void Update()
deltaTime += (Time.deltaTime - deltaTime) * 0.1f;
void OnGUI()
GUIStyle style = new GUIStyle();
float x = Screen.width - 110;
float fps = 1.0f / deltaTime;
Rect rect = new Rect(x, 90, 100, 50);
style.fontSize = 18;
style.normal.textColor = getColor(fps);
string text = string.Format("{0:0,0.0000 FPS}",fps);
GUI.Label(rect, text, style);
private Color getColor(float fps)
if (fps >= 60)
return Color.yellow;
return Color.red;
Have you tried using the new UI system introduced in Unity 4.6? Maybe that fixes your issues. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EOX6itCuKOc