I'm using the latest googleVr SDK(1.10) but I tested some example scenes from unity like castle defence and I notice the view began to drift when I put the phone on the table. is there a way to prevent this drift programatically?
I saw some videos to correct the gyroscope on samsung but I want some code to prevent this
It's still a non solved issue, as explained in this post:
GvrViewerMain rotates the camera yourself. Unity3D + Google VR
But according to your needs, you may find usefull the following workaround.
The idea is to find the delta rotation and ignore it if too small.
... And then use something like this in the "UpdateHead" method from "GvrHead":
You may find some problems. Mainly but not exclusive:
There will be a latence problem when moving the head as there is an offset to detect the movement
You are dealing with relative positions that come with imprecisions. So you are not 100% sure to find the same position when doing the opposite movement.
You are using euler representation instead of quaternion, and it seems to be less accurate.
You may also be interested in these links speaking about the field:
Gyroscope drift on mobile phones
and this piece of code : https://github.com/asus4/UnityIMU
Hope it can help,