I have an input whose width I want to determine at elaboration time. Instead of feeding two parameters I want to determine the width derived from a single parameter. Something like this:
module my_module #(
) (
[bitwidth(COUNT)-1:0] index
I have a function which works for me if I declare a reg internal to my module but I need this to be driven externally via the port map.
function integer bitwidth;
input integer n;
integer exp2, width;
for (exp2=1; exp2<<1 <= n; exp2=exp2<<1)
bitwidth = width;
reg [bitwidth(COUNT)-1:0] this_works = COUNT;
How do I accomplish this? Can I utilize an interface (+modports) to get me what I want?
It would really help to show a complete self contained example. The following worked for me
A couple of comments about this code if we were to assume that $clog2 didn't exist.
instead ofinteger
.module my_module #( COUNT = 9 ) ( input wire [bitwidth(COUNT)-1:0] index ); function integer bitwidth(input int n); int width; width=1; for (int exp2=1; exp2<<1 <= n; exp2=exp2<<1) width=width+1; bitwidth = width; endfunction initial $displayb(index); endmodule module top; my_module #(10) mm(); endmodule