I'm trying to publish ligthswitch on local network with from VisualStudio 2013,
I have installed IIS and launched web-deployment services. I Think I also installed all the possible features from web platform installer.
When I publish lightswitch app I get to this screen.
and I dont know how to get pass this service Url line. Whenever I type localhost or Computer name which is the server name, perhaps? I get an error
"Lightswitch must be run with administrative privileges to deploy to local host.
I fugured I could also just use import settings file. It could be alternative way.
but how do I create this xml file.
I've answered this for you before. You may have missed a step:
(If this menu option isn't available it means you haven't got the Management Service installed. And/or you haven't got the ALL of the Web Deploy 3.5 components installed.)