Populate Python dictionaries from .ini in RHEL5

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I'm in the process of creating a script for dumpcap.exe that would add some more features to it. I am writing it to be multi-platform and most of the MSWindows version is complete.

Currently I am moving what I have to REHL5 in order to start debugging and change what's needed in order to make the transition a little more seem-less. The MSWindows version has been written in Python 2.7, while RHEL5 runs Python 2.5.

The program is around 1200 lines so I will cut out the unnecessary stuff. I will try to be as informative as possible since I do not know where I could have gone wrong

My current problem is that my Variables{} dict is not populating.

Variables = {}                     

choice = ""                        
MAX_CHOICE = 0                     

DUMPCAP = None                     

section = None                     

dc_envfile = "cfg.ini"             
EVENTBAT = "eventaction.bat"       
FINALBAT = "finalaction.bat"       
DISPLAY_IFACES = None              
DC_PID = None                      

dc_priority = None                 
dc_mode =  None                    

#Dumpcap settings:                 
dc_interface = None                
dc_capfile = None                  
dc_capfilter = None                
dc_snaplen = None                  
dc_promisc = None                  
dc_bufsize = None                  
dc_pcapng =  None                  

def readFile(filename):                                   
    global section                                        
    myfile = open(filename, 'r+')                         
    #with open(filename) as myfile:                       
    for line in myfile:                                   
        raw_data, _, comments = line.partition("#")       
        raw_data = raw_data.strip()                       

        if raw_data[0:1] == '[':                          
            section = line[0:-2]                          
            Variables.setdefault(section, {})             
            var, _, val = raw_data.partition("=")         
            var = var.strip(' ')                          
            val = val.strip(' ')                          
            Variables.setdefault(section, {})[var] = [val]


The commented out line in readFile() is Python2.7 code that will not work in RHEL5. Virtualenv's are not an option.

The .ini file that is being read looks like this

dc_capfile = test
dc_interface = 2
dc_ringtime = 
dc_priority = NORMAL
dc_maxtime = 
dc_snaplen = 
dc_bufsize = 20
dc_promisc = Y
dc_capfilter = icmp
dc_maxfiles = 
dc_maxsize = 
dc_mode = Dumpcap+Event
dc_pcapng = N
dc_ringsize = 
dc_maxpackets = 
dc_ringfiles =       

When This is run, I get the error

File "PythonDumpCap25.py", line 992, in setVariables
    if ''.join(map(str, Variables['DC']["dc_priority"])) is '':
KeyError: 'DC'

The setVariables() function includes more than this but the error occurs in the first few lines of it

def setVariables():
    global dc_mode, dc_priority
            ####### Dumpcap settings: #######
    global dc_interface, dc_capfile, dc_capfilter, dc_snaplen
    global dc_promisc, dc_bufsize, dc_pcapng
            ####### Stop conditions: #######
    global dc_maxpackets, dc_maxtime, dc_maxsize, dc_maxfiles
            ####### Ringbuffer settings: #######
    global dc_ringtime, dc_ringsize, dc_ringfiles
            ####### Capture event settings: #######
    global dc_ev_interface, dc_ev_capfilter, dc_ev_count
    global dc_ev_kill, dc_ev_delay
            ####### Mailsend settings: #######
    global ms, ms_smtp_server, ms_smtp_port, ms_sendto
    global ms_cc, ms_bcc, ms_rrr, ms_from_name, ms_from
    global ms_replyto, ms_importance, ms_sensitivity
    global ms_security, ms_user, ms_attach, ms_maxattach
    global ms_subject, ms_pm

    global SMTP_USER_PASS

    if ''.join(map(str, Variables['DC']["dc_priority"])) is '':
        dc_priority = "NORMAL"
        dc_priority = ''.join(map(str, Variables['DC']["dc_priority"]))

And when i run my printVariables() function it prints an empty dictionary.

Why doesn't my Variables{} dict populate?


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