phpcs - class must be in a namespace of at least one level - how to fix?

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I am using laravel 4.2.

Lets say there is such class:

class BShopsController extends ShopsController

To fix this, I try to use name space lets say this:

namespace app\controllers;

and then it does not find ShopsController

so I add

use \ShopsController;

Then I get error:

Class BShopsController does not exist

What namespace should I use first of all so it would not break anything?


BShopsController and ShopsController are in folder Shops


There are 2 answers


So with the help of Shhetri and this Using namespaces in Laravel 4

I did this way:

namespace App\Controllers\Shops;

class BShopsController extends ShopsController{}

Also in routes.php then need to change to this:

Route::controller('shops', 'App\Controllers\Shops\ShopsController');

And where calling action() method - also need to use namespace.

Also needed to run

composer dump-autoload -o 

otherwise were errors.

Also in ShopsContrller needed to to this:

use \App\Controllers\BaseController;

Because Shops controller was in another namespace than BaseController and cannot find it. But is extending from BaseController, so need it.

Shhetri On

As your files are inside the Shops folder and I believe that the Shops folder is inside the app folder you should namespace your class the following way.

<?php namespace Shops;

class BShopsController extends ShopsController{}


<?php namespace Shops;

    class ShopsController{}