Magento custom block. Can't get block's file

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I'm trying to create a new custom block module. /app/code/local/TutsPlus/Demo/etc/config.xml


                    <demo before="Mage_Catalog">TutsPlus_Demo</demo>


class TutsPlus_Demo_Block_Configurable extends Mage_Core_Block_Template {

    public function getConfigurableProducts() {
        return 'it works';


    class TutsPlus_Demo_IndexController extends Mage_Core_Controller_Front_Action {
public function configurableAction(){


echo 'zzz';
echo $this->getConfigurableProducts();


        <reference name="content">
            <!--<block type="page/html" name="demo" template="tutsplus/configurable.phtml" />-->
            <block type="tutsplus_demo/configurable" name="demo_configurable" template="tutsplus/configurable.phtml" />

When I use commented line I heve just "zzz", no result of working function getConfigurableProducts. If I use second line I have nothing and file haven't been included.

EDIT 1 My folder structure

my folder structure

template structure


There are 2 answers

Shyam Ranpara On

Put this code in tutsplus.xml

    <reference name="content">
        <!--<block type="page/html" name="demo" template="tutsplus/configurable.phtml" />-->
        <block type="demo/configurable" name="demo_configurable" template="tutsplus/configurable.phtml" />

Remove following code from your config.xml


Refresh cache and storage and check it.

Piotr Zarycki On

if you want to know what exactly action is assigned to layout handle, you can "debug" layout handles.

Please paste these code between


You will see assigned layout handles to controller