So I am trying to get the section id and the amount of students in that section who enrolled on 02/10/2007. The query returns no results when it should return 6 rows.
The date format its in already is DD-MON-YY.
This is what I have so far: I took the TO_DATE from another query I did and it worked properly on. The query works without it so im sure its somthing to do with the TO_DATE
SELECT section_id, COUNT(student_id) "ENROLLED"
FROM enrollment
WHERE enroll_date = TO_DATE('2/10/2007', 'MM/DD/YYYY')
GROUP BY section_id
Most probably the issue is that there is a fractional date component that you are not taking into account. You can ignore that fractional date component by truncating the column in your query:
I am assuming that the column
is of the data type DATE.Some explanation: Oracle stores dates as described here, it does NOT store a date as you state "The date format its in already is DD-MON-YY.". That is only the format you see the date in, which is determined by the parameter NLS_DATE_FORMAT for your session.
Lets do a quick test with a test table. Create table and check the NLS_DATE_FORMAT form my session.
This is how I will see my dates.
So I have todays date. Cool. Now lets see if I can query using that date:
No rows are shown because the date format I get my date in does not have a time component. DATE has Year, month, day, hour, minute and seconds. The format only has year, month and day. Lets query the data to check if there is a time component.
Ah there it is... SYSDATE is the current time up to the second. Now lets try that query again with a more precise date format:
And there is our row. The TRUNC command will cut off the time component:
So you can simplify your query: