HTML image map incorrectly maps for some users but not others

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Okay, I have an email I have created where The images use maps to redirect to different links. The email works fine from my email and one other's email, but another person has the links for the bottom image not mapping correctly.

<img src="" usemap= #HomeButtons border=0 width=600>
<map name=HomeButtons>
<area shape=Rect Coords=0,0,120,48 Href="">
<area shape=Rect Coords=120,0,240,48 Href="">
<area shape=Rect Coords=240,0,360,48 Href="">
<area shape=Rect Coords=360,0,480,48 Href="">
<area shape=Rect Coords=480,0,600,48 Href="">

But on this image, the other user is having issues

<img src="" usemap= #AdGraphic border=0>
<map name="AdGraphic" id="AdGraphic">
<area  alt="" title="" href="" shape="rect" coords="0,5,600,182" style="outline:none;" target="_self"     />
<area  alt="" title="" href="" shape="rect" coords="9,1205,224,1278" style="outline:none;" target="_self"     />
<area  alt="" title="" href="" shape="rect" coords="231,1206,451,1277" style="outline:none;" target="_self"     />

On the other user's site the two last areas are mapped an image higher than they should be

We all tried opening the image in browsers and in outlook, but I could not replicate his issue nor could we find a solution.

Any ideas?


There are 1 answers

Maximiliano De Lorenzo On

I am not sure, but the main difference is that the first image has width and the second no, have you tried adding width to the second image ?