I have read, if tikz takes a raster image it is to be stored as png. Having that, tikz produces the rest of the graph around it and include the raster image in the final tex-file back again.
Now I have the following:
pic <- T
tikz(file=paste(plotpath,"Rohdaten_S1_S2_D21.tex",sep=""),width=width,height=height,engine = "pdftex",)
if(!pic) par(mfrow=c(2,1),mar=c(1,4,3,0))
for(i in 1:2)
x <- sensors[[i]]$time
y <- sensors[[i]]$depth
z <- sensors[[i]]$velo
# plot.image(x,y,z
# ,xlim=c(max(x)-400,max(x)),zlim=2*c(-1,1)
# ,xlab="",ylab="$d/\\mathrm{m}$",zlab="$v/(\\mathrm{mm/s})$"
# ,z.adj=c(0,0),ndz=5,z.cex=1
# )
if(!pic) abline(h=(1:floor(max(y/0.02)))*0.02)
if(pic) dev.off()
even the simple image() function will produce a 100MB large .tex file. No png is produced, everything is in the .tex file?!
What am I doing wrong? Is there a switch to be set TRUE? What do I have to do to put the rasterimage apart from the nice looking text.
Thank you for your help.
The solution is quite simple, but not obvious.
-function inR
produces vector graphics in the first instance. There is a switchimage(...,useRaster = T)
with which one can force theimage()
-function to produce raster graphics.image()
-function aspects a regular grid (quadratic pixels). Otherwise an error occurs.How to get a regular grid?
Suppose you have an image with the coordinates x[],y[] and the scalar matrix z[,]. Then the re-sampled regular grid can be calculated:
The important things are the
method = "constant"
and therule = 2
statements in theapprox()
-function. These enables a "shifting" to the regular grid.Applying all this and
will split the picture in a a.tex-file and a a_ras1.png-file.I hope this will help sombody programming
and using tikzDevice to produce pictures for tex documents.