I am trying to edit some posts in my tumblr blog using PyTumblr and the edit_post function, but I can't figure out exactly what parameters are needed. I try to put the tags parameter but it's not accepted.
I have tried this:
client = pytumblr.TumblrRestClient(CONSUMER_KEY, CONSUMER_SECRET,
client.edit_post('nameofblog', {'id': 39228373})
And it gives me the following error:
TypeError: edit_post() takes exactly 2 arguments (3 given)
Any ideas?
This is the function:
def edit_post(self, blogname, **kwargs):
Edits a post with a given id
:param blogname: a string, the url of the blog you want to edit
:param tags: a list of tags that you want applied to the post
:param tweet: a string, the customized tweet that you want
:param date: a string, the GMT date and time of the post
:param format: a string, sets the format type of the post. html or markdown
:param slug: a string, a short text summary to the end of the post url
:returns: a dict created from the JSON response
url = "/v2/blog/%s/post/edit" % blogname
return self.send_api_request('post', url, kwargs)
Passing an ID is not well documented, so I asked:
Ref: http://github.com/tumblr/pytumblr/issues/29