GC in .NET 4.0 not affecting Working Set in task manager

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OK, just to be clear, I understand that the Task Manager is never a good way to monitor memory consumption of a program. Now that I've cleared the air...

I've used SciTech's .Net memory profiler for a while now, but almost exclusively on the .Net 3.5 version of our app. Typically, I'd run an operation, collect a baseline snapshot, run the operation again and collect a comparison snapshot and attack leaks from there. Generally, the task manager would mimic the rise and fall of memory (within a range of accuracy and within a certain period of time).

In our .net 4.0 app, our testing department reported a memory when performing a certain set of operations (which I'll call operation A). Within the profiler, I'd see a sizable change of live bytes (usually denoting a leak). If I immediately collect another snapshot, the memory is reclaimed (regardless of how long I waited to collect the initial comparison snapshot). I thought the finalizer might be getting stuck so I manually injected the following calls:


When I do that, I don't see the initial leak in the profiler, but my working set in the Task Manager is still ridiculously high (operation A involves loading images). I thought the issue might be a stuck finalizer (and that SciTech was able to do some voodoo magic when the profiler collects its snapshots), but for all the hours I spent using WinDbg and MDbg, I couldn't ever find anything that suggested the finalizer was getting stuck. If I just let my app sit for hours, the memory in the working set would never reduce. However, if I proceeded to perform other operations, the memory would drop substantially at random points.

MY QUESTION I know the GC changed substantially with CLR 4.0, but did it affect how the OS sees allocated memory? My computer has 12 GB RAM, so when I run my app and ramp up my memory usage, I still have TONS free so I'm hypothesizing that it just doesn't care to reduce what it's already allocated (as portrayed in the Task Manager), even if the memory has been "collected". When I run this same operation on a machine with 1GB RAM, I never get an out of memory exception, suggesting that I'm really not leaking memory (which is what the profiler also suggests).

The only reason I care what the Task Manager shows because it's how our customers monitor our memory usage. If there is a change in the GC that would affect this, I just want to be able to show them documentation that says it's Microsoft's fault, not ours :)

In my due diligence, I've searched a bunch of other SO threads for an answer, but all I've found are articles about the concurrency of the generational cleanup and other unrelated, yet useful, facts.


There are 1 answers

Brian Rasmussen On

You cannot expect to see changes in the use of managed heap immediately reflected in process memory. The CLR essentially acts as a memory manager on behalf of your application, so it allocates and frees segments as needed. As allocating and freeing segments is an expensive operation the CLR tries to optimize this. It will typically not free an empty segment immediately as it could be used to serve new managed allocations. If you want to monitor managed memory usage, you should rely on the .NET specific counters for this.