I've done some research and there doesn't seem to be any questions like this concerning the controller so here I go. So I have wrapped some shapes in Vboxes in SceneBuilder.
<VBox fx:id="vStand" layoutX="403.0" layoutY="175.0" prefHeight="8.0" prefWidth="164.0" rotate="90.0">
<Line fx:id="stand" endX="163.0" stroke="#806565" style="-fx-opacity: 0;" />
You can change the opacity in here, but then the code for this not in the controller.
So I have attempted to do it through the controller. But unfortunately this does not work?
private VBox vstand;
private void hide(ActionEvent event) {
Is it because you can't assign a method to a VBox as you could with a label or button therefore meaning the action of the item being opaic is not being performed??
I should mention what I wanted to do was make the object disappear through making it opaic and the reappear by setting opacity to 100.
Although I have considered using the setVisible now I'm intrigued as to how you could get the opacity to work.