Zip files older than 30 days using 7zip

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I know this question has been asked several times but my requirement is slightly different from what I have read here and on google.

I have the below folder structure.


Server 1 folder may contain folders such as:


Server 2 would have a similar folder structure.

I am trying to create a script which would look at every W3SVC* folder for .log files older than 30 days.

It would then create a zip file called Oldlogs-Server*-W3SVC*.zip within each such W3SVC* subfolder and move the older logs to that file. On the second run it would simply move any new files older than 30 days to the respective zip file.

I am not a developer but any examples or suggestions would be helpful if there is not an existing script available.

This is the script which I believe comes closest to what I am trying to achieve:

It currently throws an error:

"\WebApps\LogHarvest\pkzipc.exe needed"

# Alias for pkzip
if (-not (test-path "$env:F:\WebApps\LogHarvest\pkzipc.exe")) {
    throw "$env:F:\WebApps\LogHarvest\pkzipc.exe needed"
set-alias sz "$env:WebApps\LogHarvest\pkzipc.exe" 

#### Variables  

$filePath = "F:\Weblogs\Test" 

$log = Get-ChildItem -Recurse -Path $filePath | Where-Object { $_.Extension -eq ".log" } 

########### END of VARABLES ################## 

foreach ($file in $log) { 
    $name = $ 
    $directory = $file.DirectoryName 
    $zipfile = $name.Replace(".log",".7z") 
    sz a -t7z "$directory\$zipfile" "$directory\$name"      

########### END OF SCRIPT ########## 

There are 1 answers

Ansgar Wiechers On
if (-not (test-path "$env:F:\WebApps\LogHarvest\pkzipc.exe")) {
    throw "$env:F:\WebApps\LogHarvest\pkzipc.exe needed"
set-alias sz "$env:WebApps\LogHarvest\pkzipc.exe"

You're testing a path $env:F:\WebApps\LogHarvest\pkzipc.exe, which evaluates to \WebApps\LogHarvest\pkzipc.exe, since you probably don't have an environment variable $env:F. Because of that your script is looking for the executable on the current drive, which most likely is C: rather than F:. This is what causes the error you observed.

The next statement tries to set an alias $env:WebApps\LogHarvest\pkzipc.exe. If you actually have an environment variable $env:WebApps change your code to this:

$pkzip = "$env:WebApps\LogHarvest\pkzipc.exe"
if (-not (Test-Path $pkzip)) {
    throw "$pkzip needed"
Set-Alias sz $pkzip

If you don't have that environment variable change your code to this:

$pkzip = "F:\WebApps\LogHarvest\pkzipc.exe"
if (-not (Test-Path $pkzip)) {
    throw "$pkzip needed"
Set-Alias sz $pkzip

As a side note: instead of creating an alias for your script I'd use the variable for the executable with the call operator (&):

& $pkzip a -t7z "$directory\$zipfile" "$directory\$name"

Also, I'm not sure if pkzipc can actually handle 7z archives. Or if it supports the arguments a -t7z in the first place. Those look like arguments for the 7zip programs to me.