XMLUnit-2.0 xpath doesn't ignoring the XML node order

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I've a XML as below

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<!DOCTYPE ResourceObject PUBLIC "my_corp.dtd" "my_corp.dtd">
<ResourceObject displayName="TESTNGAD\AggUserFSP test" identity="CN=AggUserFSP test,OU=FSPAggeFrame,OU=unittests,DC=TestNGAD,DC=local" objectType="account" uuid="{97182a65-61f2-443c-b0fa-477d0821d8c4}">
       <entry key="accountFlags">
             <String>Normal User Account</String>
             <String>Password Cannot Expire</String>
       <entry key="homePhone" value="6555"/>
       <entry key="l" value="Pune"/>
       <entry key="memberOf">
       <entry key="objectClass">
       <entry key="sn" value="test"/>
       <entry key="st" value="MH"/>
       <entry key="streetAddress" value="SB ROAD"/>
       <entry key="title" value="QA"/>
       <entry key="userPrincipalName" value="AggUserFSP [email protected]"/>

And, following XPATH I tried to ignore the order of the elements but still it is not working, can someone help me out here? I referred the discussion here https://github.com/xmlunit/xmlunit/issues/123

diff = DiffBuilder
                    .checkForSimilar().checkForIdentical() //ignore the order of 'elements` but check they are identical
                    .withNodeMatcher(new DefaultNodeMatcher(ElementSelectors.conditionalBuilder()
                            .whenElementIsNamed("Attributes").thenUse(ElementSelectors.byXPath("./Map/entry[@key]", ElementSelectors.byNameAndText))

There are 1 answers

Rafał On

I assume you wish to match entry elements inside of Map element, and you wish to match them them by their key attribute, thus ignoring the order?

If so, I suggest you to write your NodeMatcher like this:

    .withNodeMatcher(new DefaultNodeMatcher(ElementSelectors.conditionalBuilder()
                        (e1, e2) -> StringUtils.equals(e1.getAttribute("key"), e2.getAttribute("key")))