kapacitor: setting slack webhook URL in .tick file

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I am using a TICK stack deployed in Docker containers. I would like to set up kapacitor alerts to send different notifications based on alert levels (ie. crit, warn, inform). As far as I can see, the only way to do this is by using different alert nodes, one for each alert type. I am using SLACK as one of my alert types but would like to send to different slack web hooks, again, based on the alert level. Configuring the kapacitor.conf file as such:

  # Configure Slack.
  enabled = true
  # The Slack webhook URL, can be obtained by adding     
  # an Incoming Webhook integration.
  # Visit https://slack.com/services/new/incoming-webhook
  # to add new webhook for Kapacitor.

Makes is so that all alert notes that send to slack, send the alert to that webhook. Is there a way to configure the alert node to send to a specific webhook dynamically from within the .tick file. For example:

    .warn(lambda: "usage_user" > 50)           
    .crit(lambda: "usage_user" > 70) 

I see that other alert types allow for configuration from the .tick file but I have not been able to find much in the Slack alert. Thanks.


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