I want to set up such proxy, and have next to zero experience with IIS. The most convenient is to use a 2012 64 bits server.
I have tried to follow various “how to”, but failed (They seems to target 2003 server). I have also noticed that inside the Windbg 6.3.9600 package, there is a symproxy folder without documentation, but in older versions there is a symhttp.doc. However, there is no indication of date or which version this is targeting.
Is there any “how to” or tutorial of setting up a symbol proxy on the current line of Windows 64 bits OS?
Thanks to the 2. Link from EdChum I succeeded to set up the symbol proxy on a W7/64. At first attempt it didn’t work, but using Wireshark I discovered that
After triple checking that “IIS Application Pools” user had access, I added read access to “everyone” using file explorer. Now everything works, both symbol added locally, and fetched downstream form /msdl.microsoft.com/download/symbols.