Why this GEKKO script does not yield a better solution?

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Here is my code. I'm maximizing an expression abs(expr1) given the constraint abs(expr1)=abs(expr2).

import numpy as np
from gekko import GEKKO

m = GEKKO(remote=False)

x2,x3,x4,x5,x6,x7,x8 = [m.Var(lb=-2*np.pi, ub=2*np.pi) for i in range(7)]

m.Equation((1/8)*m.abs(m.cos((1/2)*x6)*(m.sin(x2)*m.sin(x4)*m.sin((1/2)*x7)*((-4)*m.cos(x3)*m.cos((1/2)*x5)*m.cos(x8)+(3+m.cos(x5))*m.sin(x3)*m.sin(x8))+m.cos(x2)*m.cos((1/2)*x7)*m.sin((1/2)*x4)*(8*m.cos(x3)*m.cos(x5)*m.cos(x8)+(-1)*(5*m.cos((1/2)*x5)+3*m.cos((3/2)*x5))*m.sin(x3)*m.sin(x8)))) == (1/8)*m.abs(m.sin((1/2)*x6)*(4*m.cos(x3)*m.cos(x8)*(m.cos((1/2)*x5)*m.cos((1/2)*x7)*m.sin(x2)*m.sin(x4)+2*m.cos(x2)*m.cos(x5)*m.sin((1/2)*x4)*m.sin((1/2)*x7))+(-1)*m.sin(x3)*((3+m.cos(x5))*m.cos((1/2)*x7)*m.sin(x2)*m.sin(x4)+m.cos(x2)*(5*m.cos((1/2)*x5)+3*m.cos((3/2)*x5))*m.sin((1/2)*x4)*m.sin((1/2)*x7))*m.sin(x8))))


#Set global options
m.options.IMODE = 3 


print('x2: ' + str(x2.value))
print('x3: ' + str(x3.value))
print('x4: ' + str(x4.value))
print('x5: ' + str(x5.value))
print('x6: ' + str(x6.value))
print('x7: ' + str(x7.value))
print('x8: ' + str(x8.value))

The solution I get is all x_i=0 which is a valid solution but not the best one. For example

x2,x3,x4,x5,x6,x7,x8 = 0.9046, 1.9540, 1.8090, 0, 1.8090, 6.2832, 4.3291

satisfies the constraint (up to the 5th decimal place) and the objectives reaches -0.3003 (which is still not the best but it is an example). I tried to play with the tolerance options but to no avail. Note that if I remove the equality constraint the objective properly reaches the maximal value -1.

Why does the solver get stuck with the zero solution?


There are 1 answers

John Hedengren On BEST ANSWER

The solvers in Gekko are local minimizers, not global minimizers. You problem has many local minima with the sin and cos functions. You can get a global minimum by using a multi-start method or a global approach such as simulated annealing. I used a modification of your script with a multi-start method. Random values between -2*np.pi and 2*np.pi are used to initialize the variables.

for xi in x:
    xi.value = np.random.rand(20)*4*np.pi - 2*np.pi

IMODE=2 solves all of these cases simultaneously.

m.options.IMODE = 2

If you need to perform many cases then you can parallelize this calculation with multiple threads. You should also switch to m.abs3 instead of m.abs to avoid problems with a non-continuous derivative at zero. Another strategy is to square both sides of your equation to avoid the absolute value. Here is a complete version:

import numpy as np
from gekko import GEKKO

m = GEKKO(remote=False)

x = [m.Var(lb=-2*np.pi, ub=2*np.pi) for i in range(7)]
for xi in x:
    xi.value = np.random.rand(20)*4*np.pi - 2*np.pi
x2,x3,x4,x5,x6,x7,x8 = x

    (-1)*(5*m.cos((1/2)*x5)+3*m.cos((3/2)*x5))*m.sin(x3)*m.sin(x8)))) == \

obj = m.Intermediate(-((1/8)*m.abs3(m.cos((1/2)*x6)*(m.sin(x2)*m.sin(x4)*\

#Set global options
m.options.IMODE = 2


print('Best Result')
i = np.argmin(obj.value)
print('x2: ' + str(x2.value[i]))
print('x3: ' + str(x3.value[i]))
print('x4: ' + str(x4.value[i]))
print('x5: ' + str(x5.value[i]))
print('x6: ' + str(x6.value[i]))
print('x7: ' + str(x7.value[i]))
print('x8: ' + str(x8.value[i]))
print('obj: ' + str(obj.value[i]))

There are multiple best solutions that have an objective of -0.5.

Best Result
x2: -3.1415936876
x3: 6.2545093655
x4: 3.1415896007
x5: -2.0848973806e-05
x6: -4.7122128433
x7: -4.712565114
x8: 0.029076147797
obj: -0.50000008426
Best Result
x2: -3.1416640191
x3: 3.1415941185
x4: 3.1415948958
x5: -3.1416088732
x6: 1.5708701192
x7: -4.7124627728
x8: -3.1415893349
obj: -0.5000000992