D3D11_TEXTURE2D_DESC texture_desc = {0};
texture_desc.Width = 640;
texture_desc.Height = 480;
texture_desc.MipLevels = 1;
texture_desc.Format = DXGI_FORMAT_NV12;
texture_desc.SampleDesc.Count = 1;
texture_desc.ArraySize = 1;
texture_desc.Usage = D3D11_USAGE_DEFAULT;
texture_desc.MiscFlags = D3D11_RESOURCE_MISC_SHARED;
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<ID3D11Texture2D> temp_texture_for_my_device{nullptr};
my_device->CreateTexture2D(&texture_desc, NULL, &temp_texture_for_my_device);
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<IDXGIResource> dxgi_resource{nullptr};
HANDLE shared_handle = NULL;
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<ID3D11Texture2D> temp_texture_for_ffmpeg_device {nullptr};
ffmpeg_device->OpenSharedResource(shared_handle, __uuidof(ID3D11Texture2D), (void**)temp_texture_for_ffmpeg_device.GetAddressOf());
ffmpeg_device_context->CopySubresourceRegion(temp_texture_for_ffmpeg_device.Get(), 0, 0, 0, 0, (ID3D11Texture2D*)ffmpeg_avframe->data[0], (int)ffmpeg_avframe->data[1], NULL);
I copy temp_texture_for_ffmpeg_device to a D3D11_USAGE_STAGING, it's normal, but when i copy temp_texture_for_my_device to a D3D11_USAGE_STAGING, i lost the chrominance data.
When i map the texture to cpu via D3D11_USAGE_STAGING:
temp_texture_for_ffmpeg_device : RowPitch is 768, DepthPitch is 768 * 720; temp_texture_for_my_device : RowPitch is 1024, DepthPitch is 1024 * 480;
I think there are some different parameters between the two devices(or device context?), but I don't know what parameters would cause such a difference
and my_device_context
are created by D3D11On12CreateDevice
The DirectX Video formats are planar, meaning that each component is contiguous in memory rather than being interleaved like most formats. For DirectX 12, this is explicitly exposed in the layout information which you can obtain via
.Here's a template that works with
. Here theSlicePitch
is set to the size of an individual plane.For DirectX 11, the extra planar information has to be assumed as it's not directly exposed by the API as such. You have to compute the extra space required for the additional plane(s). Here's a snippet from DirectXTex. In this case
is the total size of all the planes in one 'slice' of the resource.