Which instruction encoding is supported by a ARM processor, particularly a Cortex M0, STM32F0 one for example

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Confused about instruction encoding supported by my core (ie. T1, T2, etc)

Having the STM32F0 series Cortex-M0 programming manual, I found that

"The Cortex®-M0 processor implements the Arm®v6-M architecture, which is based on the 16-bit Thumb® instruction set and includes Thumb-2 technology."

Ok, so went for ARMv6M generic manual here https://developer.arm.com/documentation/ddi0419/c/ https://documentation-service.arm.com/static/5f8feef5f86e16515cdbf7e4?token=

And for example ADD (register) instruction has 2 flavors

enter image description here

Both of them are present in CPU?

Ok, so T1 updates flags and T2 doesn't, good to know :)

But later on in ARM manual says:

...If is omitted, this register is the same as and encoding T2 is preferred to encoding T1 if both are available.

So if both are available, how do I know if this is true for my STM32F? And in general, based on what criteria are these T1/T2 used by manufacturers? In STM32 programming manual I cannot find such info.

For NXP's LPC824 for example (also a Cortex M0) CPU exact type is missing, so guessing it's the same ARMv6M type.


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