What Wordpress hook fires first admin_init or admin_menu

7.7k views Asked by At

From what I've read on the internet the admin_init fires before admin_menu, is this true?

I have made a plugin template to test this and find it not to be the case.

The test code is below. The output I get when activating the plugin is ...


pt\singelton Object
    [page] => pt
    [page_title] => Page Title
    [menu_title] => Menu Title
    [capability] => manage_options

Notice the number 2 in the output above, it's output from the function admin_menu().

  License: GPL
  Version: 0.01
  Plugin Name: Plugin Template.
  Plugin URI: http://www.dyncomp.net/plugins/plugin-template/
  Description: Plugin Template.
  Author: Dan Huckson
  Author URI: http://www.dyncomp.net
  Text Domain: pt
  Domain Path: /lang/

namespace pt;

class obj {
    private $instance;

    // Activate
    static function activate() {
        $page = __NAMESPACE__;

        if (!($opt = get_option($page)))
            add_option($page, (object) array('page' => $page, 'in_date' => getdate()));
        else if (!isset ($opt->page) || $opt->page !== $page) 
            wp_die('Error: Option ('.$page.') already exsits in database, the plugin can not be activated.');

    // Setup
    function __construct(&$instance) {
        $this->instance = $instance;

    function admin_init() {
        wp_die('1</br><pre>'.print_r($this->instance, TRUE).'</pre>');

    function admin_menu() {
        wp_die('2<br><pre>'.print_r($this->instance, TRUE).'</pre>',2);

class singelton {
    static private $instance;

    public static function getInstance($args) {
        $page = $args['page'];
        if (!isset(self::$instance->$page)) {
            self::$instance->$page = new static();
            self::$instance->$page->page = $page;
            self::$instance->$page->page_title = $args['page_title'];
            self::$instance->$page->menu_title = $args['menu_title'];
            self::$instance->$page->capability = $args['capability'];
        return self::$instance->$page;
    private function __clone() {}
    private function __wakeup() {}  
    protected function __construct() {}

$page = __NAMESPACE__;
$instance[$page] = new obj(singelton::getInstance(array(
    'page' => $page, 
    'page_title' => 'Page Title', 
    'menu_title' => 'Menu Title',
    'capability' => 'manage_options',
    'content_icon' =>  'dashicons dashicons-editor-kitchensink'
add_action('admin_init', array($instance[$page], 'admin_init'));
add_action('admin_menu', array($instance[$page], 'admin_menu'));
register_activation_hook( __FILE__, array($instance[$page], 'activate'));

There are 2 answers


admin_menu seems to fire before admin_init, here's what happens:

  • admin_menu fires in wp-admin/includes/menu.php on line 149
  • which is included at the end of wp-admin/menu.php on line 255
  • which is included in wp-admin/admin.php on line 115
  • after which admin_init fires in that same file on line 145
Rafiq On

WordPress itself updates its ecosystem of hooks over time. Better to use this plugin Another Show Hooks which provides you the real-time hook firing sequence that you can find by yourself!

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