I use the following method which I found here at this forum. In my WPF user interface I have a button the calls this method in order to concatenate some sound files and plays the new file. After the first click the concatenated file is generated and I wait for the end of the played file.Then, I want to create a new concatenated file, But - if I click again I get an exception in this line of code:
// first time in create new Writer
waveFileWriter = new WaveFileWriter(outputFile, reader.WaveFormat);
"An exception of type 'System.IO.IOException' occurred in mscorlib.dll but was not handled in user code
Additional information: The process cannot access the file 'C:\Users\alon\Documents\Visual Studio 2013\Projects\MyMahappsExtended\MyMahappsExtended\bin\Debug\Sounds\mySendFile.wav' because it is being used by another process."
I can't get where is the problem.
public static void Concatenate(string outputFile, IEnumerable<string> sourceFiles)
byte[] buffer = new byte[8820];
WaveFileWriter waveFileWriter = null;
foreach (string sourceFile in sourceFiles)
using (WaveFileReader reader = new WaveFileReader(sourceFile))
if (waveFileWriter == null)
// first time in create new Writer
waveFileWriter = new WaveFileWriter(outputFile, reader.WaveFormat);
if (!reader.WaveFormat.Equals(waveFileWriter.WaveFormat))
throw new InvalidOperationException("Can't concatenate WAV Files that don't share the same format");
int read;
while ((read = reader.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length)) > 0)
waveFileWriter.WriteData(buffer, 0, read);
if (waveFileWriter != null)
Update: This code calls the aboved one:
private async void mySendButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
myRing.IsActive = true;
List<string> myList = new List<string>();
//Here I want to add to the list a Start Delimiter
//string bits = GetBits(myTextBox.Text);
string bits = GetBits2(new TextRange(myTextBox.Document.ContentStart, myTextBox.Document.ContentEnd).Text);
foreach (char c in bits)
if (c == '0')
//Here I want to add to the list a Finish Delimiter
Concatenate("Sounds\\mySendFile.wav", myList);
MediaPlayer mplayer = new MediaPlayer();
mplayer.Open(new Uri("Sounds\\mySendFile.wav", UriKind.Relative));
await Task.Delay((int)(1000*(bits.Length*BitTime+4*StartDelimiterTime+4*EndDelimiterTime)));
myRing.IsActive = false;
after the await statement I have to close the MediaPlayer class:
Credits to : @CodeCaster: https://stackoverflow.com/users/266143/codecaster