I was implementing a multiplexer, but and gate returning "x" for no reason, pls help. As you can see in screenshot, result just became "x" from "1". i did a testbench for and gate, it works fine on its own. It should have been a 3 bit 4:1 multiplexer. this is the problem
This is source, i am using ghdl.
USE IEEE.std_logic_1164.ALL;
i1 : IN std_logic_vector(2 DOWNTO 0);
i2 : IN std_logic_vector(2 DOWNTO 0);
i3 : IN std_logic_vector(2 DOWNTO 0);
i4 : IN std_logic_vector(2 DOWNTO 0);
sel : IN std_logic_vector(1 DOWNTO 0);
y : OUT std_logic_vector(2 DOWNTO 0)
END mux41;
input1 : IN std_logic;
input2 : IN std_logic;
input3 : IN std_logic;
and_output : OUT std_logic
input1 : IN std_logic;
input2 : IN std_logic;
input3 : IN std_logic;
input4 : IN std_logic;
or_output : OUT std_logic
signal not_sel : std_logic_vector(1 DOWNTO 0);
signal and_result : std_logic_vector(3 DOWNTO 0);
signal or_result : std_logic_vector(2 DOWNTO 0);
not_sel <= not sel;
and_gate_assignment : for i in 0 to 2 generate
and_output1: andgate port map(input1=>i1(i), input2=>not_sel(1), input3=>not_sel(0), and_output=>and_result(0));
and_output2: andgate port map(input1=>i2(i), input2=>not_sel(1), input3=>sel(0), and_output=>and_result(1));
and_output3: andgate port map(input1=>i3(i), input2=>sel(1), input3=>not_sel(0), and_output=>and_result(2));
and_output4: andgate port map(input1=>i4(i), input2=>sel(1), input3=>sel(0), and_output=>and_result(3));
or_output: orgate port map(input1=>and_result(0), input2=>and_result(1), input3=>and_result(2), input4=>and_result(3), or_output=>or_result(i));
end generate and_gate_assignment;
y <= or_result;
END rtl;
Here is the and gate;
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
entity andgate is
port (
input1 : in std_logic;
input2 : in std_logic;
input3 : in std_logic;
and_output : out std_logic
end andgate;
architecture rtl of andgate is
signal and1 : std_logic;
signal and2 : std_logic;
and1 <= input1 and input2;
and2 <= and1 and input3;
and_output <= and2;
end rtl;
there is not much to this really, could this be a timing issue?
Adding orgate's entity and architecture
and a testbench
allows you readers to replicate your problem. Adding more signals may help to understand the problem:
'X's come from driver conflict. Here there are multiple drivers connected to and_result(3 downto 0) across the generated blocks. When all the drivers are '0' the signal is resolved to '0'. When there is a conflict there's an 'X'.
The solution is to move the and_result declaration to the generate statement block declarative region (with a following begin separating declarations from statements):
And that gives you
the intended result.
The generate statement represents zero or more block statements in elaboration. Here each of the three block statement contains a 4 to 1 multiplexer for a std_logic element of a slice.
An individual multiplexer has signal nets connecting the output of each of four andgate instantiations to an orgate instantiation. By relying on a common declaration for
you've shorted the andgate outputs together across all three blocks.Moving the
declaration into the generate statement block declarative region results in it being replicated for each generated block statement. Because a block statement is a declarative region those three declarations ofand_result
aren't visible outside each generated block due to scope and visibility rules which match them being local to each block in a hierarchical block diagram - the threeand_result
elements are no longer connected to all three blocks. This eliminates multiple drivers.