"[Vega Err] [object XMLHttpRequest]" error when trying to plot a vincent chart in folium based maps in python

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I'm experimenting with the folium library to plot charts in markers within maps. Doing this using the folium library in python.

The code is pretty simple. As follows,

import folium
import vincent

bar = vincent.Bar([1,2,3,4])
popup1 = folium.Popup(max_width=1200,).add_child(folium.Vega(bar,width=500,height=500))
m = folium.Map([47.3489, -124.708], zoom_start=5)
folium.RegularPolygonMarker([47.3489, -124.708], popup=popup1).add_to(m)

The code runs and creates the the html map. When I click on the marker, the block to render the chart comes up, but within it I see no chart. Also, before showing the chart, the browse throws an error saying [Vega Err] [object XMLHttpRequest]


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