I have the following PowerShell script. It picks up the NetBIOS name of computers within a given IP address. I'm using a pipe so as to dump the results into a text file. The problem is that if an IP address is not available, a warning is printed.
This is the PowerShell script:
function Get-ComputerNameByIP {
param( $IPAddress = $null )
$prefBackup = $WarningPreference
$WarningPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'
if ($IPAddress -and $_) {
throw ‘Please use either pipeline or input parameter’
} elseif ($IPAddress) {
} else {
$IPAddress = Read-Host “Please supply the IP Address”
$WarningPreference = $prefBackup
This is the error message I wish to ignore:
WARNING: The requested name is valid, but no data of the requested type was found
You can trap the error and force PowerShell to do nothing with it, kind of like a Try/Catch but global for the whole script: