vbscript opens mp4 in wmplayer, but only audio plays

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I'm trying to simply open a video in full screen using a batch file, I realised this wasn't possible so I included code to make it write to vbscript instead and then later on execute the vbscript code.

I'm running windows 10, and I have another script running an mp3 file that works fine.

This is what my batch file is writing to the vbscript

set "file2=res\FORTNITESKINS.mp4"
( echo Set wmp = CreateObject("WMPlayer.OCX"^)
  echo Video.URL = "%file2%"
  echo Video.Controls.play
  echo do while Video.currentmedia.duration = 0
  echo wscript.sleep 100
  echo loop
  echo wscript.sleep (int(Video.currentmedia.duration^)+1^)*1000
  echo set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell"^)
  echo WScript.Sleep 1000
  echo WshShell.SendKeys "%{ENTER}") >video.vbs

This is how I execute the vbscript

start video.vbs

The video does not open, only the audio plays, and wmplayer doesn't even open minimized, nor can I find it in task manager.

I have also tried this,

set "file2=res\FORTNITESKINS.mp4"
( echo Set Video = CreateObject("WMPlayer.OCX"^)
  echo Video.openPlayer("%file2%"^)
  echo set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell"^)
  echo WScript.Sleep 1000
  echo WshShell.SendKeys "%{ENTER}") >video.vbs

but it gives the error:

Line: 2
Char: 1
Error: 0xC00D1329
Code: C00D1329
Source: (null)

There are 3 answers

aritz331_ On
set "file2=F:\ull\path\to\res\FORTNITESKINS.mp4"

You must enter the full path to the file for the script to work. Including the drive letter and the path to the current folder.

Hackoo On

You can do it like this example :

@echo off
Mode 70,3 & color 0B
Set "Title=Playing videos with Windows Media Player"
Title %Title%
echo              %Title%
Set "URL-FILE=http://1290922571.rsc.cdn77.org/movies/Superman-Unbound-2013-FRENCH.mp4/playlist.m3u8"
Start "%Title%" wmplayer /fullscreen "%URL-FILE%"
Timeout /T 2 /NoBreak>nul


@echo off
Mode 70,3 & color 0B
Set "Title=Playing videos with Windows Media Player"
Title %Title%
echo              %Title%
Set vbs_video=%temp%\vbs_video.vbs
Set video=http://1290922571.rsc.cdn77.org/movies/Superman-Unbound-2013-FRENCH.mp4/playlist.m3u8
Call :Play %video%
Timeout /T 2 /NoBreak>nul & Exit
REM ***************************************
:Play <video>
    echo Set Video = CreateObject("WMPlayer.OCX"^)
    echo Video.openPlayer("%~1"^)
    echo set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell"^)
    echo WScript.Sleep 3000
    echo WshShell.SendKeys "%%{ENTER}"
Start "video" "%vbs_video%"
exit /b
REM ***************************************
AudioBubble On

Why don't you use wmplayer directly with proper command-line-parameters ?

@Echo off
set "file2=res\FORTNITESKINS.mp4"
set wmplayer="%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Windows Media Player\wmplayer.exe" /prefetch:1

%wmplayer% "%file2%" /fullscreen