Value of WEBEDIT object during recording, is not stored in OR in QTP

277 views Asked by At

I want to know how to store value entered in a webedit box duting recording, in object repository. I entered value 'XY' in google search box. It showed up as


Browser("Google").Page("Google").WebEdit("q").Set "XY"

However, in OR property "value" is blank.

On other hand, if I manually add this WebEdit object means Google Search box using ' 'add object to local' button then GetTOproperty gives me value as XY (though getROProperty still gives property "value" as blank)

Please tell me why value entered in webedit box during recording doesn't get stored in OR.


There are 1 answers


Adding the value of an edit field to the description of the edit field would usually be a very bad idea. It would mean that changing the value of the object will cause its description to change so you would have to have multiple test objects depending on the previous value of the object.

If you really do want to use the value as part of the description add it in the object identification dialog (Tools → Object Identificaiton).

You should also read up on the differences between GetROProperty and GetTOProperty.