Using public static function in mysqli functions

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I am creating a site which connects to database using public static function. As it is called by class name i can't understand how will i execute mysqli_query(). Below is the code:


class connect
    private static $db_host='localhost';

    private static $db_user='root';

    private static $db_pass='';

    private static $db_name='i_constuddoer01';

    //using public static function to avoid overloading
    public static function cxn_mysqli() {
            header("Location: sorry.php");
            return $result;



function addUser($fname,$lname,$email,$pass) {
    $query="INSERT INTO users VALUES(...)";
    $qr_status = mysqli_query(connect::cxn_mysqli(),$query)

What should I do, is there any other way?


There are 1 answers

Catharsis On

I think what your trying to do is create a singleton class, below is an example of one

class Connect
    private static $instance;

    # make the construct private to avoid anyone using new Connect()
    private function __construct()
        # Sql connect code in here

    static public function i()
        if(!is_object(self::$instance)) {
            return new self;
        return self::$instance;

# Lets try to create two instances
$i = Connect::i();
$j = Connect::i();

# Oh look they are exactly the same object
echo spl_object_hash($i)."\n";
echo spl_object_hash($j)."\n";

Hope that helps