I am provided with only a 'connection string' for azcopy.
Connectionstring: DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=someaccoutname;AccountKey=someaccountkey;EndpointSuffix=core.windows.net
URL: https://someaccoutname.blob.core.windows.net/somename
I do not have a 'sas' token or access to the azure portal to create a sas token'.
How can I use AZCOPY to sync a folder on a VM, to that azure storage account, with only the connection string.
That is simple.
The connection string has 2 information you need. [account] = someaccoutname [acesskey] = somthing like this 2iusdofiausd98273412934213/fsdf23409237409dfoasihdfasir9028742hvhxczoivhsadfSFAOIf34Jq==