Is it possible to use an Application Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC) to brute force MD5 hashes and thus reverse them down to their original form? I know there could be multiple collisions, but leaving that aside, would it be possible? The idea interests me because I happen to have ASIC Miner Block Erupters which are ASIC's used to generate the SHA-256 hash, but why not MD5? Thanks in advance.
Using an ASIC to brute force MD5
4.2k views Asked by Spencer D AtThere are 2 answers

This is a very old question, but while working with a client and working to convince them that they couldn't use MD5 to hash passwords and needed to upgrade to something more secure, this post came up in the discussion.
While the accepted answer is technically correct, one doesn't have to calculate all possible md5 hashes to break a password, one only has rotate strings and positions in a methodical fashion to land on actual passwords. If we assume 8 characters in length and the common rule of uppercase, lowercase, and digits at minimum, that's only 218 trillion combinations.
Within the narrow confines of the answer, yes, it is completely impractical to brute force md5 collisions, but it is absolutely feasible to throw random smaller data sets at MD5 records and see what matches you get. Put simply, to calculate every possible MD5 for a set of passwords 5 characters in length containing letters, numbers and special characters might take two hours at 1 Mh/s.
I did that exact thing using a MacBook and some hastily written code for the aforementioned client. Within the span of the 45 minutes it took to explain the problem, and for them to point to this answer as a reason that they didn't need to bother, I had already gotten almost a thousand of the horrifyingly insecure passwords stored in their database.
Long story short, I just don't want people reading this answer and thinking that passwords hashed using MD5 are impossible to crack.
A brute force attack is futile as there are 2^128 MD5 hashes. If you could compute 10^18 (that's a billion times a billion) hashes per second it would still take billions of years to find a single collision (unless you are extraordinarily lucky). Terahashes per second is not nearly enough. 2^128 / 1 terahertz is in the order of 10^26 seconds, which is about 10^19 years.
MD5 is broken, but broken does not imply "feasible to brute force", only "feasible to attack in some manner (probably more sophisticated than brute force)".