The error given below is causing BotPress v12.21.1 server to crash. It doesn't give any other details about the error. I was getting the same error in BotPress v12.14.1, but it wasn't crashing the server.
Launcher Unhandled Rejection [TypeError, Cannot read property 'split' of undefined]
TypeError: Cannot read property 'split' of undefined
at C:\snapshot\build-windows\out\bp\core\telemetry\stats\sdk-stats.js
at Array.filter (<anonymous>)
at SDKStats.parseMethods (C:\snapshot\build-windows\out\bp\core\telemetry\stats\sdk-stats.js)
at SDKStats.parseFile (C:\snapshot\build-windows\out\bp\core\telemetry\stats\sdk-stats.js)
After the BotPress server restarts twice, I'm getting this error.
Cluster Exceeded the maximum number of automatic server reboot (2). Set the "BP_MAX_SERVER_REBOOT" environment variable to change that
This error is resolved if I remove the code that uses Knex module.
const knex = require('knex')({
client: 'pg',
connection: 'postgres://username:password@host:port/dbname',
pool: { min: 0, max: 10 },
useNullAsDefault: false,
log: {
warn(message) {
error(message) {
deprecate(message) {
debug(message) {
It's also resolved if I turn off sendUsageStats.
"sendUsageStats": true
But, both are part of business requirements and I can't use both of these workarounds. Please help me resolve this issue.
Sorry for behind a little bit late on this thread. I was browsing the PR from the botpress repo and one of the PR looks like you issue and another PR here.
Probably I will be fixed in the next release.