I am trying to get basic grabbing with OVRGrabber working for an Oculus Quest game in Unity.
I can use the custom hands scene and everything works fine. However, when I try and implement the same in my own scene, I am unable to grab an OVRGrabble GameObject.
Here's the hierarchy for my OVRCameraRig. I am using the OVRControllerPrefab as child objects to LeftHandAnchor and RightHandAnchor:
For each of the OVRControllerPrefab GameObjects, I have a Rigidbody and Sphere Collider (set to isTrigger) along with the OVRGrabber script. For the OVRGrabber script, I have the sphere collider set to be the grab collider
Finally, for the grabble game object, I have a RigidBody, Box Collider (with is trigger not set) and OVR Grabble
For the life of me, I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong. Any help will be greatly appreciated.
It is because the GripTransform for your OVRGrabber is set to null. Usually your hand GameObject set should look like this. If you do not have a gripTrans gameObject, create a gameObject at the center of the hand and attach this to "GripTransform" for that hand's OVRGrabber.