Skyscanner Flights API and Google script

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I am trying to learn how to use the Skyscanner Flights API with Google Script. It seems that the information available online is not adapted to newbies like me.

From what I got, the procedure to gain access to the flights' prices is : - to send a HTTP POST request with information about which flights we want information about - then send a HTTP GET request which will give us the pricing information

I would like to do that with Google Script.

Here is my code so far :

    function sky1() {

    Link to help :                GB/Documentation/FlightsLivePricingList
    Link to Skyscanner api demo (api key given there):        GB/Documentation/FlightsLivePricingQuickStart

    var apikey = "prtl6749387986743898559646983194";// is given on skyscanner website for testing
    var url = "" + apikey;
    // Post http request to skyscanner
    var  post_resp=sendHttpPost(url,apikey);

    function sendHttpPost(url) {
     // post_params
      var post_params = {
          "Country": "CH",
          "Currency": "CHF",
          "Locale": "en-GB",
          "Adults": 1,
          "Children": 0,
          "Infants": 0,
          "OriginPlace": "12015",
          "DestinationPlace": "5772",
          "OutboundDate": "2015-08-09",
          "InboundDate": "2015-08-23",
          "LocationSchema": "Default",
          "CabinClass": "Economy",
          "GroupPricing": true

      var options =
            "method"  : "POST",
            "contentType" : "application/json", // didn't get what this means
            "payload" : JSON.stringify(post_params),  // didn't get what this means
            "muteHttpExceptions" : true, // avoids error message

       var post_resp=UrlFetchApp.fetch(url,options);

       return post_resp;

Any help would be very appreciated. This gives me a 415 response rode instead of a 201 indicating that a session has been created.

PS: I am not a programmer, I would be very grateful if we keep thing simple.


There are 1 answers

Skyscanner On

Skyscanner API team here. You may be interested to see a reference Javascript implementation at I also recommend using Fiddler (a network tracing tool) to compare the request/response from the test harness at with that of your code.