Unable to detect when the scroll stopped in setOnScrollChangeListener

329 views Asked by At

I want to hide the view when you are scrolling in the webview and show this view when you stop scrolling. How can I detect if you stopped scrolling? I tried to use the following code but doesn't work. I would love to have a hint or an example from you. I want to simple hide & show a certain view according to the users action in the webview.

                            webview.setOnScrollChangeListener { _, _, y, _, oldY ->
                                if (y > oldY || y < oldY) {
                                    val size = Utils.getDisplaySize(requireContext())
                                    val sizeHeight = size.y.toFloat()
                                    bindingMyLayout.boxlayout.apply {
                                        Animation.move(this, 0f, sizeHeight / 4,300
                                        Animation.alpha(this, 1f, this.alpha, 300)
                                if (oldY - y == 0) {
                                        MyLayout.boxlayout.apply {
                                            visibility = View.VISIBLE
                                            Animation.resetView(this, 200)
                                            Animation.alpha(this, 1f, this.alpha, 200)
                                    }, 1000)


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