I read about the cursor documentation in Twitter's API here
I want to be able to see next_cursor_str
I used the code from this twitter's gidhub here
But when I used url = "https://api.twitter.com/2/tweets/search/recent?max_results=100&query={}&{}&cursor=-1".format(query, tweet_fields)
The error:
Exception: (400, '{"errors":[{"parameters":{"cursor":["-1"]},"message":"The query parameter `[cursor] is not one of [query,start_time,end_time,since_id,until_id,max_results,next_token,expansions,tweet.fields,media.fields,poll.fields,place.fields,user.fields]"}],"title":"Invalid Request","detail":"One or more parameters to your request was invalid.","type":"https://api.twitter.com/2/problems/invalid-request"}')`
How can I fixed this so I can use cursoring?
Cursoring as documented on that page applies to version 1.1 of the Twitter API, and you are targeting v2. You've also linked to a streaming API sample code example, but you've specified a REST recent search endpoint, which does not support streaming.
You need to use the
from the response to paginate in v2.So you get the first page of results using:
And then take the
from the response and use it in the next query, for example:https://api.twitter.com/2/tweets/search/recent?query=snow&next_token=b26v89c19zqg8o3fobd8v73egzbdt3qao235oql