I saw some code that had the controls in a flex box set to go at the end or begging and some where centered. I tried looking at https://developer.palm.com/content/api/reference/enyo/enyo-api-reference.html#enyo.ContainedDomBuilder for eny control, then try looking at enyo,contained,Dombbuilder, sice it extends from it. I also tried to look at https://developer.palm.com/content/api/dev-guide/enyo.html cannot fine any documention on formatting the controls. does any body know a good like that would help me? Ted
Trying to find informtion on how to format enyo controls
97 views Asked by Ted pottel At
You should check out the flexible box model - http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-flexbox/
The quick answer is that in your VorHFlexBoxorLayout you can use the properties pack and align with values like center, start, etc.